Math, Science & Engineering
About the Program
The STEM career cluster encompasses an extraordinary array of career paths that are interrelated. It is the focus of this program to provide students with an understanding of the engineering process as it relates to the real world. Students are provided a strong background in practical physics concepts as well as the mathematics needed for advanced study. Students who are eligible for this program must have requisite skill proficiency in Algebra I. By the completion of this four year program, students will be prepared to enter schools of engineering or pursue college level mathematics and/or science studies. The major focus of this program is to expose students to the design process, engineering standards, research and analysis, technical documentation, global and human impacts, communication methods and teamwork. Through project-based learning and this exposure it will help students to develop an understanding of the nature and impact of technology, engineering, technological design, and the design world as they relate to the individual society, and the environment.
Engineering Future Careers:
Civil Engineer
Mechanical Engineer
Chemical Engineer
Electrical Engineer
College Options:
Biological Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Computer Science
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Engineering Physics
Petroleum Engineering
General Engineering
Aerospace and Aeronautical Engineering
Industrial Engineering (IE)
Computer Engineering (CE)