Clubs & Activities » Aviation Club

Aviation Club

Join our Flying Club! As a member of Redhawk Aviation, you will learn the basics of flying through the use of our Xplane software and Redbird full motion simulators. In addition to flying simulated crewed aircraft, you will learn to safely fly unmanned aircraft and employ these systems in the National Airspace. After you have demonstrated competence in the ability to Aviate, Navigate, and Communicate, you will apply what you have learned to compete head to head with other students in nationally recognized competitions. The competitions are, but not limited to:


Technology Student Association (TSA) Flight Endurance Competition

Participants design, build, fly, and adjust (trim) a rubber-band powered model aircraft to make long endurance flights inside a contained airspace. Documentation (including elements such as attributes of the model design, drawings, and an analysis of the trim modifications), an inspection of the model and the required model flight box, and official times for two flights are aspects of the evaluation.

General Aircraft Mechanics Association (GAMA) Aircraft Design Challenge

Participants modify the design of an airplane through the use of the Xplane software program. The schools will then compete in a virtual fly-off, which will be scored on aerodynamic and performance parameters while flying a specific mission profile. Judges from GAMA will select the winning school based on that score and other factors.


Club Prerequisites: Maturity, Sound Judgment, Innovation, Motivation to Learn, Winning mindset. If interested, please apply through a written email request to Mr. Nebl - [email protected]. Please include your name, program of study, year level, and a brief description of why you are a good candidate for club membership.