Clubs & Activities » Art Club

Art Club


The Atlantic County Institute of Technology’s Art Club members will explore Design, 2D and 3D Art, Digital Art, Photography, Sight & Sound, Painting, Sketching, Illustration, Pen & Ink, wearable art and more. The members of the club must be willing to work individually on projects as well as team up with others.  Students will develop skills, and enrich their talents by producing various pieces of art as they expand their friendships with other club members. We will learn about different types of art, and practice expressing ourselves in a non-judgmental, open-minded forum; teaching us how to confidently present our art while learning to positively critique the work of others. Everyone is invited regardless of talent, skill, or experience. If you are interested in joining, reach out to Mr. Steinen through your school email.  Google Classroom code:  z46w42q

Meetings:  1508- Check Google Class Code for Updates!